As the taxi was moving on Shaw Boulevard, this song started playing on the radio. And suddenly an oh-so-familiar nasal-y voice started singing:
As life goes on I'm starting to learn more and more about responsibility
And I realize that everything I do is affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to apologize for things that
I've done things that haven't occurred yet
and things that they don't want to take responsibility for
I was thinking "Ugh! There are just so many things I can't stand about Akon!" I am not a big fan of nasal sounds to begin with.
And then memories of that infamous YouTube video started flooding my mind again -- where he tried to display a simulation of a sexual act on a 14-year-old at a club. Interestingly, this 14-year-old girl is a preacher's daughter.
And then I started thinking about another YouTube video where he toss a 16-year-old boy off the stage.
I was about to kindly ask the driver to turn down the volume as it was stirring up feelings of disgust and judgment. And then Akon starts singing these lines:
I'm sorry for the hand that she was dealt
And for the embarrassment that she felt
She's just a little young girl trying to have fun
But daddy should of never let her out that young
I'm sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they manage better next time around
How was I to know she was underage
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesn't anybody want to take blame
Verizon backed out disgracing my name
I'm just a singer trying to entertain
Because I love my fans I'll take that blame
Even though the blame's on you
Even though the blame's on you
Even though the blame's on you
I'll take that blame from you
Then I started thinking, what does it truly mean when I say "Sorry, blame it on me?"
I have always felt that the most authentic "Sorry" is when it means "I am truly remorseful for causing any kind of hurt."
That's it period. Just a genuine repentant heart. It does not matter who is right and who is wrong. Or who picked the fight and who was provoked.
And isn't it the most beautiful thing if all of us are truly committed to forgive and be forgiven? No one keeping tabs on who offended whom.
Funny, because Akon says "Sorry, blame it on me" but went on and on about who is really to blame. So was he really sorry after all?
The good news is I have a choice to focus on that One Person who took the responsibility, took the blame of all our unrighteousness.
He did it without pointing fingers at anyone even though He had every right to do so. He did it because He cannot stand any minute longer seeing us walk in shame.
He did it because He loves us.
Today, instead of corrupting my thoughts thinking on how horrible Akon is, I will make an honest attempt to emulate Jesus -- humbly taking on my life's cross, without any desire to right those have wronged me.
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