It makes me sad because even if I find joy in my digital pictures, I get extra-warm, fuzzy feelings that only a Polaroid photo can bring.
One of the very first boys I liked gave me a Polaroid i-Zone in an avocado color. I thought it was the sweetest thing in the whole world.
On my first official fight with Robert, I gave him a book with Polaroid photo of my hand with a peace sign taped on it.
When I am trying to pull outfits together, I used to take Polaroids of myself to see if I look halfway decent.
Looking for shoes in my closet is much easier when a Polaroid photo of the shoe is taped on its box.
For my wedding, I wanted a guestbook where my guests can take Polaroid pictures of themselves. My heroic Rob searched all over Manila and got me a Joycam. Only to find out Photokina doesn't sell Polaroid films in the Philippines anymore. I was heartbroken.
If any of you see Polaroid films in your respective countries, please send me a message. Most likely I will be sending you money so you can buy me boxes. I must have Polaroids of my future children, because my baby photos were taken in those too.

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