“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12)
Today’s Question
As quickly as possible, without thinking too hard or too long, make a list of five things you’d change about your life if you knew you only had a month to live. Choose at least one to begin changing today.
- I would like to not spend so much time working. I work an average of 12 hours a day. Take naps/get some rest whenever I need to.(Did this today!)
- Get in touch with people who I was good friends when I was a child and when I was in grade school. I was friends with so many wonderful people during that time of my life and I wish I knew what they are up to now.
- Write more handwritten letters that are sent through good old-fashioned mail. (Did this today!)
- Watch a lot of good, funny movies.
- Cook more often. Prepare nice, delicious meals for my husband.
Today’s Challenge
Describe how you would like your life to be different at the end of reading this book. What drew you to open these pages in the first place? What’s going on in your life now that has prepared you to think about who you are and why you’re here?
In absolute honesty – and I am not sure if this is a rare state of mind – death does not scare me at all. I embrace mortality as another fact of life – something that God designed.
I always told my husband this – if death knocks at my door tomorrow, I will be facing it with the kind of peace knowing that my time of earth is done. My passing is His will and it will not shake me.
You have to understand my perspective on this. It has nothing to do with how I perceive life. It does not mean that what I have in this lifetime is meaningless that I am ready to go anytime.
Not at all.
I LOVE my life. I am GRATEFUL that God decided I was special enough to be made in His likeness.
But just knowing that my time of death has always been pre-determined by Him and that it is yet another one of His wills coming to pass – I just do not see the sense of being terrified by it.
When we say, “Thy will be done” and truly understand that the “will” we are asking to “be done” is good, pleasing and perfect, then I trust our Father with my whole heart that He knows the absolute, perfect time to move on to more glorious things that is not of this world.
But more than being at peace with His will, the biggest reason why I do not fear death is this. Just the MERE THOUGHT of meeting my Maker and spending eternity with Him brings nothing but PURE JOY in my heart. Everytime the thought crosses my mind, tears just come out because I cannot even begin to imagine how wonderful it will be to finally see His face in all its glory.. It gets me choked up everytime and I am as I am writing this.
With that being said, yet I am still a work in progress, imperfect in so many ways – I find great pleasure in living life as authentically as possible. I am open, I am deliberate with my courses of action – hoping that it will bring a smile to my Father’s face.
I made a decision (along with my wonderful husband) to go through this book because I know my character still needs a lot of tweaking and correcting – even though I do not fear death, I fear breaking God’s heart. He sent me a clear message that He wanted me to do this that Sunday morning in Jacksonville and I am gladly obeying. There must be a couple of things about myself that I need to learn! Can’t wait to see what He reveals.
So I urge you to keep us in your prayers. That we may be always aware of God’s desire to shape us into better people and with a bigger desire to live like we are going to see Jesus tomorrow.
Today’s Random Activities
- Wrote letter to our helper in the Philippines Ate Lisa. I miss her so much! I reminded her about how much God loves her.
- Held my husband while he was sleeping and thanked God for bringing him into my life
- Cheerfully did my job.
- Took 3 little naps today!
- Bizaare dreams such as friend's child having some physical problems, 2 friends who surprised me and Rob with a candlelit dinner and support for our ministry. Asked God for what was He trying to tell me.
- Watched Grey's Anatomy with a scene of a wife saying goodbye to her dying husband after a tragic car accident – immediately said a prayer to God that He always keeps Robert safe.
- Went to the mall with Robert and Pops.
- Went to the recreation center with Robert and Pops.
- Bought yogurt and granola at the commissary. Gotta eat healthy when you are about to meet Jesus! Haha, honestly, I just REALLY love granola. Bought a new box a couple of days ago and now it's gone.
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