Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 02: Riding the Big Dipper

Today’s Bible Verse
“Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” (Romans 12:11)

Today’s Question
Identify an area in your life where you feel like God is pruning you right now. Why do you think He has chosen that specific area?

I believe that God has brought me and my husband all the way here to the United States to prune me in areas of being way too busy for my own good.

During the last few months in Manila, I was always busy. You know the whole Martha over Mary kind of situation. I had a full-time job to begin with, responsibilities in ministry which I loved dearly but really took up a lot of my time.

On top of that, we had endless birthday parties, get-togethers, dinners out, etc.

Do not get me wrong, I truly found joy in my job, the Bible studies, the volunteer work and being around friends. But God saw that I was weary and tired – that deep down I was desperate for rest.

He knew that even though everything I did had great intentions, I needed an alone time with Him for an extended period of time to re-focus on what His goal is for me and Robert.

He took me to an unfamiliar place and yet I am having the time of my life. I can BREATHE, enjoy the stillness of His presence and clearly hear Him.

I still have my job but I am privileged to choose my own location to get my tasks accomplished. I purposely decided to not get a cell phone while I am here. I also get to read tons of books in my free time! I get a lot of work-out and still enjoy Him while doing so.

I believe that at this very moment, He is still shaping my character and slowly revealing to me and my husband what He needs us to do here. He tests, He challenges, He molds me on a daily basis. Some days easy, some days more difficult but I know there is no place I’d rather be at this time.

Today’s Challenge
If there is a dream that God places in your heart that you have put on the To-Do-Someday list, what steps can you take today to ensure that the possibility of living for it passionately may actually happen?

A couple of things. I have been asking God lately about what He wants me to do career-wise. Does He want me to quit my current job in favor of full-time ministry? I haven’t gotten any answers but I am in no rush either. However, the asking never stops until I hear clearly from Him.

Another thing is starting to seriously inquire on online courses for a degree in Christian Counseling. No better time to do it than TODAY!

Today’s Random Activities
  • Woke up at 4am , had a double-shot espresso and wrote a letter to a good friend letting him know how grateful we are for helping us make our trip to the US possible.
  • Got my prayer journal and thoroughly enjoyed the Bible verse Genesis 12:2. Wrote several lines letting God know that He put a smile to my face through that verse.
  • Looked around for online courses for Christian counseling.
  • Watched my favorite detective show: Forensic Files. 3 episodes back-to-back. Loved ‘em!
  • Went to bed again and slept for a couple of hours and held Robert the whole time. Woke up feeling really well-rested.
  • Ate Mama’s sausage and eggs breakfast. With sinangag. Yum.
  • Bought some cute baby blue running shorts while Mama was getting a haircut.
  • Read the latest issue of Lucky Magazine and decided I want hot pink or pewter Doc Martens I saw on one of the ad pages. Robert thinks it’s a terrible idea.
  • Went to the post office to mail a gift for a couple of good friends. Bought some stamps to use while we are on our second road trip starting on Friday.
  • Worked-out at the gym. Got some great exercise. Re-read the first chapter of “Wild at Heart” while on the stationery bike. Did intense, power walking. Stumbled upon “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by Billy Joel on my iPod and wondered if I will ever memorize it someday.
  • Sang “No One” by Alicia Keys in my head while running. I was thinking of the lyric as my mid-day prayer to God.
  • Took a quick, 15-minute power nap.
  • Peach yogurt and granola. Yum!!
  • Robert and I –along with Pops and Mama—went to a 40th day memorial service for one of her friends. Kuya Eddie, Nikki and Ariel were there too.
  • We went home and the four of us spent the next couple of hours talking. One thing I really love about my in-laws is that I can talk to them forever and about anything. I learn so much from Pops. His wisdom always amazes me.

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