“Therefore I urge you to imitate me. For this reason I am sending to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church.” (1 Corinthians 4:16-17)
Today’s Question:
Are you living like Christ, following examples of others who walked with God in the Bible, and following the examples of those who are walking a more mature walk with God?
I am so grateful for the Bible and the words He has given to guide me in my life-long effort to walk closely with Him.
One consistent prayer I have always asked my Father is to continue showing me others (especially more mature, well-guided women) who are great examples of Christ’s life.
I have been blessed to have that back in Manila. One of the biggest reasons why I miss Victory so much!
Today, having a spiritual mentor is something I yearn for daily.
I feel privileged to be a mentor to several women but it would also be nice that while I am here in the United States, I have someone to look up to and learn and imitate her Christ-like ways.
Please pray for me. That I may be soon surrounded with good examples of others in prayer, in study and in communion with God.
Someone who can be my friend and sister. May my heart be open and aware to older women who would like to build a relationship with me.
Today’s Random Activities
- Prayed to God today specifically to give me the strength to follow Christ’s examples and fold them into my life today.
- My husband went to Creighton University today in Omaha to play basketball. In an effort to get out of the house, I worked in Panera Bread today.
- Went to the drugstore and grabbed important personal items for our upcoming road trip. I am so excited! Another round of learning again.
- Put on some new songs on my iPod before heading out to the gym. Put all the songs of Rascal Flatts and Natasha Bedingfield. I love all of their songs and I feel great working to them.
- Had a great workout at the gym.
- Another Forensic Files night. Boy, Robert and I really love that show.
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