The memories are crystal clear to me -- Cory Aquino was sworn in as President of the Philippines on February 25th of 1986 -- my 10th birthday.

I was wondering why my family was excited about something else OTHER than my birthday.
Then my mother told me to look at it in a different perspective: "No one will ever forget your birthday Sammy. Every year we will all remember how your birthday is a reminder of a freedom that was fought so hard for."
And I understood with the utmost maturity that a ten-year-old heart could handle.
A housewife and a mother fought for our freedom, threw out a tyrant, restored our democracy, transformed our nation and UPHOLD God's principles without a hint of compromise -- I now have no excuses in making a difference.
Thank You Jesus for Tita Cory's life.
Thank You Jesus that you used her to inspire people like me.
Thank You Jesus that through Tita Cory, you showed me an example on how to lead like You.
Thank You Jesus that I have seen before my own eyes that it is possible to influence a generation without compromising one's soul.
Maraming salamat po.
Please read further on Steve Murrell's blog re-posted here:
She never wanted to be a leader. Her husband was the leader. He wanted to be president. She only wanted to be a good wife and a good mom.

August 21, 1983, her husband was brutally murdered in broad daylight. Then the nation called on her.

She was not a politician, but she became president.
When the nation asked her to lead, she said, "The only thing I can really offer the Filipino people is my sincerity.” That’s usually not enough. But this time it was.
She saved her nation from chaos.
She restored integrity to a tarnished institution.
She gave hope to the world, that dictators could be overthrown without violence.
She kept democracy alive with the first peaceful transference of power in 27 years.
Her husband would have been proud of the way she lead the nation. And a grateful nation mourns her death this week.
I was privileged to have a front row view of Philippine history as it unfolded.
- I was in the middle of many student rallies (and a few riots) in Manila's U-Belt in ’84 & ’85.
- I remember the yellow parades in ’85 & ’86 as I walked from my Makati apartment to Ayala Ave to catch the U-Belt bus.
- And over the years I have had the privilege of pastoring and discipling some of the key leaders on both sided of the Marcos/Aquino political conflict. (Interesting and enlightening)
Cory Aquino was a reluctant leader. She died August 1st. She was buried today.
It is OK to be a reluctant leader, as long as we take the shot when the situation demands us to. Are you willing to step up when your opportunity arrives, even if the task seems bigger than you?
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