Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Look!

As you may have noticed, this blog has a new look! I love it and this design will probably stick around for a long time.

The credit goes to Rachel Lacy, the designer of Blog Candy Designs. You can also check out her personal blog.

Thank you Rachel for doing such a wonderful job!


Anonymous said...

Oooh! I love the new look! :)

Samantha Johnson said...

Thank you Liz! :-)

Women's Group said...

super nice. it's very YOU.:) I was also looking into changing mine since last night and I was so surprised to see that you've changed yours. sakit ng ulo ko sa pag intindi ng downloading procedure. that's why I need a WP scholar. hahaha!

Samantha Johnson said...

Thank you Malou!

I am so happy with the turnout of this design. This has been 2 months in the making! The process of screening a designer and communicating with her (only through e-mail) how I envision it was a detailed process but so worth it.

Wordpress is a much better platform is terms of customization but I know I can't handle a complex design right now. Haha! Remember my motto for 2010? Simplify.

Hope you find the design of your dreams!

My next step is integrating with this blog! Praying that it goes live next week!

Listening to His Voice+ Blog design by labinastudio.