However, I am also about keeping an open mind to things that don't interest me. I rarely reject opportunities to learn more about stuff that, although it doesn't matter much to me, matters to the rest of the world.
This is why when Book Sneeze gave me another opportunity to review a book from Thomas Nelson, I intentionally picked "Will the World End in 2012?" by Raymond C. Hundley, Ph.D.
My favorite part about this book is how Dr. Hundley presented ten different theories on doomsday. It's simple: one chapter covers one theory. Ten theories = ten chapters. Perfect for someone who loves everything compartmentalized!
Because it was presented this way, I was able to pick the theories that fascinated me the most and read them first. I saved the ones I had no knowledge about for last so I can take my time learning.
The book is only 154 pages long but the content is rich and factual. It is a Christian guide to the end of the world but it does not desperately beg you to sway your opinion to one view. I felt like I was left to explore these facts, study them, pray about them and come to terms with how I feel about them. I can also see this being a good reference good for future discussions about the end times.
Having done all of these things, I still feel at peace with the world ending at any time -- exactly how I originally felt before I read the book. I know it sounds a bit strange to some people.
I am passionate about living my life today as if it were my last. The whole point of following Jesus Christ and having a relationship with Him is believing what He did for me and being excited to meet Him if I were to die today.
Therefore, if the world ended today or in 2012, is irrelevant to me. I am not saying my viewpoint is better than yours, I just really, genuinely feel this way.
Do I want the world to end now? No. But if it does, I am totally okay with it. After all, the God who created this universe knows much more than I can ever fathom. He should know what He is doing and that His plans are always pleasing and perfect.
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