Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Every Nation World Conference 2010 (EN2010)

I did not have any Internet connection over the weekend (except for the occasional free Wi-Fi access in malls and restaurants) and I am so happy it turned out that way. I was immersed (without the distraction of technology) in a glorious weekend with 18,000 people who love Jesus Christ.

Every Nation, the Christian organization that planted my home church, Victory Christian Fellowship (among many other churches in over 50 nations) gathers its church members, planters, missionaries, pastors and campus ministers every three years to worship God as one spiritual family.

Today, my soul feels revived and renewed. I got reminded, once again, what I can look forward when I go to heaven.

I have moments that really captured my heart and I know I will take with me as I go back to the daily demands of life.

Here are my personal highlights for EN2010.

Ron and Lynette Lewis speaking about Stop Child Trafficking Now at pre-conference.

Being part of the Parade of Nations. I wish more Filipinos were in it though!

Worship. Worship. Worship. We were blessed with a hardworking and talented worship team!

"You cannot be offended and anointed at the same time, so MOVE ON!" -- Grace Aiyedogbon

"Everything about you says something about you." -- Mark Zschech on the Branding and Marketing Seminar.

"The hero inside you is waiting to be unleashed." -- Efren Penaflorida

Fellowship with North American missionaries over lunch. Thank you Bill Lloyd and John Saison.

Enjoyed watching the 'Haka' by our brothers and sisters from New Zealand.

"You were not designed to RECEIVE glory; you were designed to GIVE glory." -- Darlene Zschech 

Singing 'Amazing Grace' collectively as a spiritual family in 50 different languages. Bonus and cool part: it made the Guinness Book of World Records!

“If the presence of God is in the church, the poor must be administered to.  We must help the poor and the needy.” - Dr. Jun Vencer

My favorite message of the entire conference was about 'HONOR' from Pastor Steve Murrell. I needed to be reminded and humbled on where my place is in a massive, glorious universe that my Father created.

And of course, seeing old friends from all over the world!

I am excited at the thought of Every Nation World Conference in 2013. I wonder where will it be?

If you were at the conference, what was your favorite moment?


irmaloveslife said...

I heard it's going to be in Florida.:-)

"L" said...

Hi happysammy!

Do you know if there is any audio/video from any/all messages at EN2010?

I'm particularly interested in hearing Grace Aiyedogbon's and Pastor Steve's messages. Although all the highlights you've posted look excellent.

And talking about child trafficking, have you heard of Love146? They have a safe house in the Philippines.

Anyhow, have another blessed weekend ahead!

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