While I will always love books on Christian life, theology and even fiction, I can always use a book that will help me become a better homemaker and money manager. Something that's practical and can be easily applied to the very unique household Robert and I are accustomed to.
"Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half" by "America's Cheapest Family" Steve and Anne Economides (yes -- it's really their last name) just does that.
This book is not intimidating. Admittedly, I was concerned that the lessons shared might be unrealistic to my household and the third-world culture that I call my permanent residence.
Each lesson / money-saving tip is placed in one chapter. This means that I can choose to apply one tip and completely ignore the other.
There is no requirement to do all the recommendations in order to make an impact on our budget. Every single tip will do make some changes!
Running a home and staying on top of family finances is a beautiful calling from God. I take this privilege seriously.
While I am not expert at it (I am learning daily and sometimes the hard way!), I am glad that I have access to resources that teach me to grow in my role. This book is one of them! For any family who needs to save more (which is pretty much everyone), I highly recommend getting a copy of this book.
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