But there was something so endearing seeing little Colton Burpo's joyful face on the bright, yellow cover of "Heaven is for Real." I immediately took up the offer of Booksneeze to review this book. Written in his father, Todd Burpo's voice, Lynn Vincent describes a 4-year-old boy's account of his trip to heaven during an emergency apendectomy.
I understand that it is easy to doubt the truthfulness of the story. But there was no way a 4-year-old can grasp with such innocence the image of heaven that was so faithful in Scripture.
I also saw the father took very great care in avoiding any kind of manipulation to sway Colton's story. With that kind of heart being very evident in the book, my heart chooses to believe the boy's trip to heaven did take place.
Is heaven real? Absolutely. A book like this helps me keep my focus on living with eternity in mind. But honestly, heaven had me at Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth...”
*DISCLOSURE: I received this book for free from Thomas Nelson Publishing and Booksneeze. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.
Always loved your book reviews. short and sweet. :)
Wow! Thank you Auj! Honestly, that is really flattering especially coming from you!
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