The Discipline to Write Daily by Chris Brogan
If you love to blog but still find yourself establishing the discipline to write in it regularly, Chris Brogan's advice is very helpful.
Facebook Co-Founder Speaks Publicly: What I Learned From Watching “The Social Network” by
The lesser-known Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin guest blogs on the popular online news channel about the movie inspired by their early years in developing Facebook. This is especially interesting to those who loved the movie. I personally think this is one of the best this year -- and Andrew Garfield brilliantly portrayed Saverin!
Analog Sunday
Analog Sunday is an informal idea to encourage people to take a day off away from all things digital. What do you think?
Speaker Highlights from Catalyst 2010 from catalystspace
In case you missed it, here are some of the speaker highlights & quotes from Catalyst 2010.
Outlive Your Life by Donald Miller
Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado is probably one of the most impact-oriented books I have read in a long time. Don Miller thoughtfully writes how this book can be maximized through your own life and through shared experiences with a group. One of my goals in 2011 is to be able to gather around like-minded women and go through the book together.
Social Printshop
Do you have a friend who loves Facebook and Tumblr as an online social tool? This makes a great holiday gift. Social Printshop prints a user's Facebook friends or Tumblr photo archive.
I'd Like to Send You a Book by Josh Harris
I am grateful to Josh Harris for sending me a free copy of Dug Down Deep. I plan to use this as one of my small group materials for 2011.
How to Open an Airplane Lavatory Door from the Outside by lifehacker
Next time your kid locks him/herself in the airplane bathroom, here's how you can easily unlock an airplane lavatory with nothing but your finger. Great advice for frequent plane travelers with kids in tow.
How to Use Tumbler (Tutorial) by Beautiful Blog Designs
I don't use my Tumblr as my main blog platform but I do love using it to display people, places, and things that bring nothing but delight! If you would like to spruce up your current Tumblr site, this is a great step-by-step tutorial.
No-brainer Recipe: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies by Mom Spark
Thank you Amy Bellgardt for this easy recipe. I am making this for Christmas!
One church that handled scandal well and how they did it by Monday Morning Insight
When a church member or a family member / friend experiences a scandal, this is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate mercy and grace the way Jesus Christ did. We can all learn a thing or two from this article.
Death of Discernment by Shaun Groves
One of my favorite communicators wrote one of my favorite blog posts in the recent times. The religious and the legalists might not like it though!
"I don't have any good ideas" by Seth Godin
Seth Godin and I agree. Please do not ever tell me you do not have any good ideas. It's in there somewhere and I wanna hear all about it!
Catalyst East 2010: Craig Groeschel
If there was a message on this year's Catalyst Conference that I feel must be heard by everyone I know in the church, it's this. Watch the video that highlights Craig Groeschel's message.
Cheesy Meatballs by Everyday with Rachael Ray
Great recipe especially if you have a husband who loves both meat and cheese!
Baked Brie from Real Simple
Brie is definitely one of my favorite cheeses! This recipe brings a whole new twist to my beloved.
Curious Sofa
I just think this online store is adorable and charming!
Seven Tips to Start Your Travel Blogging Journey by PROBLOGGER
I don't think I am called to do travel blogging full-time but I do know a lot of personal friends and readers who can be great at it. I hope you find this article helpful! And when you do start your blog, let me know about it.
Survival of the Hippest
Custom-made necklaces for your friends who love to tweet!
DIY silhouette drink escort cards by 100 Layer Cake
When is the next party? Can't wait to make these!
Catalyst West Coast 2011
Are we going? Probably not. But I do highly recommend that you pray about going and experience something extraordinary.
Thank you for sharing the links! :) Checking out some already.
Thank you for sharing the links! :) Checking out some already.
Hope you enjoyed going through them! Tell me your favorite :-)
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