Simple Mom (Life hacks for home managers)
I am not a 'Mom' but I am definitely a rookie home manager in this season of my life. I love learning home management tips and this website is definitely a great resource.
When Has a Preacher Crossed the Line into Plagiarism in His Sermon? by The Gospel Coalition
A very helpful article for ministers who preach from the pulpit.
3 Bloggers Every Serious Blogger Should Be Following by Michael Hyatt
Michael Hyatt is excellent is pointing all of us bloggers into the right direction.
Life As Mom (On the road to joyful motherhood)
Another 'mommy' blog but it has been so helpful in giving me new recipe ideas that do not require a lot of time, money, and energy.
Appreciate It
An online 'bulletin board' that showcases what people are thankful for in 2010. Go and post what you are most grateful for!
A Good Man is Hard to Find -- But I Did by meghmiller
A wife's sweet and loving tribute tribute to a husband on his birthday.
How We Shared Content in 2010 by ReadWriteWeb
Interesting summary of how we shared our lives and our thoughts online. Whatever your opinion is on the social network, Facebook still ruled.
6 Suggestions for Increasing Your Daily Productivity by SavvySugar
This was a good read for me at the start of this year. With so many things going on in my life, this helped me get myself together so that I am effective in executing my work tasks.
Can I find a cute bag for my 17" laptop? by simply stated.
I do not have a 17' laptop but the bags showcased in this bags were just too cute! Had to share it.
5 Things You Must Do To Get Your Blog SEO Ready For The New Year by TENTBLOGGER
Are you eager to optimize your blog in 2011? TENTBLOGGER gives great easy-to-follow advice.
10 Ways Business Leaders Can Turn Ideas Into Execution by Mashable
A great article on 'the execution gap.' The execution gap is a perceived gap between a company’s strategies and expectations and its ability to meet those goals and put ideas into action. The tips give wonderful ideas on how to minimize this gap.
How To Roast A Chicken by Tip Junkie
Yay! A very useful guide on how to master this classic dinner recipe. Four simple steps plus several variations. I can't wait to make one when the fast is over.
Free Ways to Unlock Creative Energy by Stephen Brewster
Are you in a creative slump; lacking inspiration and source of brilliant ideas? Stephen Brewster gives the boost that you just might need.
I Am Not An Island by Alece on a deeper story
Don't we all crave for meaningful, Christ-centered relationships? I know exactly how Alece felt.
Let's Break Bread by Humble Ambitions
A self-confessed novice in bread-making teaches women the steps to make fresh bread from home.
A year of Moving More and Eating Less in scrapbook pages by Cathy Zielske
I was so inspired by the way this lady documented her year-long weight loss.
One of my bigger goals this year is to cook healthier. Right now, Robert and I are on the Daniel Fast and it has helped us so far (aside from its spiritual benefits) in feeling lighter and cleaner. This website is a good resource for low-fat recipes.
Orange and Carrot Summer Salad by Ang Sarap
I just love this salad! And I love this blog and its delicious (mostly) Filipino recipes. Next month's menu will most likely come from this site.
I finally found something that really eliminates embarrassing bathroom odors!
Print Friendly
Have you ever come across at a web page, found it really valuable and decided to print it? What happened when you did? I bet you ended up printing tons of unnecessary pages, when you really only needed a page of that content. What's the solution? A website called 'Print Friendly' -- where it turns a web page into a compact printable document. This will save you a lot of time, paper and ink.
DIY Life
We have a new apartment here in the United States. Living here is very much different than in the Philippines. One big difference is that in Manila, we had great access to freelance maintenance work that practically cost nothing. Here, it costs an arm and a leg to get something simple done. DIY Life is my go-to website to home projects that I can learn to do myself.
The Comfort of Cooking
Another recipe resource! I am at a season of learning how to cook again. This blog has new recipes that are easy enough for someone like me.
Lunch It, Punch It by Craftzine
Crafty blogging pal of mine Andi is part of the group behind Lunch It, Punch It, an iniative to pack your lunch 10 times before going out to eat. Whether you're hoping to eat healither or save money, Lunch It, Punch It posts recipes, roundups of favorite lunch bags and more. They've even made their own punch cards you can print out to keep track of your lunches.
The website describes itself as "The sourcebook for the considered home." We are currently living in a virtually empty apartment and we are looking forward to rely on this site as a reference for many future decoration ideas.
The best website for the latest news and updates on nutrition, fitness and food.
Happy reading everyone!
I've always looked forward to your link love. It's like directing me to wealth of information. ;-)
Thank you Irma! Glad you like this series :-)
Thanks for linking to our site via Craftzine!
hehe, i also follow Simple Mom and Life as Mom! :D always love your links-love list, more surfing resources! (i'm an rss-reader addict!!!)
you might want to check out http://life.yourway.net/ too, chock-full of life hacks and tons of tips on home-making and organizing, blogging, finances, ...etc etc :)
Hey Diane!
Thanks for that recommendation. Will check it out now :-)
Lunch It Punch It:
It was my pleasure to share your brilliant idea!
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