Sharing my faith and my life one day at a time.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Our Missions Trip to Baja

When my husband first mentioned to me the idea of going on a short-term missions trip this summer, I felt two completely opposite emotions.

First, I was excited at the thought of going to a short-term trip for the first time! It seems that all of our missions trips have been long-term (Manila, then Nashville). I have also never been on a missions trip with Robert. 

The other reaction was a sense of exhaustion at the thought of raising money again. As youth workers in Franklin, we raise our support almost all-year-round. 

I love how God has shown Himself faithful every single day since we moved to Nashville. And yet, even in His constant demonstration of meeting our needs, my faith was weak at that moment. 

It felt like an impossible task. Good thing I am married to one of the biggest encouragers I know! 

He was quick to pray for me and spoke words brought life to my spirit.

As I write this today, we are only five days away from our missions trip to Baja, Mexico through Ten Days Missions Experiences. And even in my lack of faith, God showed how faithful He is, providing every step of the way through financial and prayer partners. 

To all who give generously given through finances and prayers, you have no idea the impact you have made in our lives; way before this trip has begun. Many people will know and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior because of you.

I cannot believe we are actually going and leading a group of high school students to what I expect will be a life-changing journey! Twenty three individuals/families poured their finances into this trip, enabling us to cover our airfare and most of the ground expenses. 

I do not take this for granted for a single second. I know that times are hard. Seeing people give in faith is one of the most beautiful things that I have had the privilege of witnessing.

We are almost at 100% of our trip costs. I do not doubt for a second that God will finish the work that He started. 

Here are our goals in Baja: 

1) Building Project 1: 16 x 60 church building, parsonage, baptismal, and 4 latrines for a local church. 2) Building Project 2: 16 x 40 school classroom and outlying buildings to be repainted. 
3) Building Project 3: 16 x 40 Sunday school classroom 
4) Prison Ministry 
5) Evangelism 
6) Sports Camp 
7) Fiesta 

I have reasons why I am sharing this with you today. I humbly ask you to read on. 

1) Please pray for us. The list of prayer points is long but I do believe in the power of intercession. 

  • That we may be done coordinating all travel details with our team. 
  • That the next days will be a period of preparation of our hearts for this journey. 
  • Safe flights as we travel from Nashville to San Diego to Baja (Rosarito). 
  • Protection from any kind of disease, accidents, and theft. 
  • 100% financial provision in time for our departure on Wednesday. 
  • That more people will know and accept Jesus as we pour love on them in Baja. 
  • The courage and boldness to share the Gospel to whoever the Holy Spirit instructs us to. 
  • For unity among the team members so that we may be able to accomplish our goals together with complete joy. 

2) Please consider helping us meet 100% of our trip. We need to raise $500 more to cover expenses: rental car, building supplies, gas, Bibles, and gifts for the children/classrooms. Every single dollar goes a long way and it will make a difference.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read through today's blog post. Your journey with me makes it possible to go to places and make a difference in other peoples' lives.

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